Consolidated information about the conference can be found on the main conference website.
This INDICO website is currently used for conference registration.
To register for the conference via this INDICO page, one needs an Academic ID (Academic Cloud) account provided by GWDG IT services for Max Planck Society (MPG) and many other German educational and scientific institutions.
If you do not yet have an account, please sign up for it. It is only few clicks. Follow the link "Register now"-> "Register"->"Log in to proceed" (here "Register" refers to conference registration). You will then get a prompt as in the picture below. Please click "Sign Up". After entering your email address, you will be asked about the account "Registration Options" (here "Registration" refers to making a new account), where you can choose "More options" and then "Sign up with Email and password". Please make sure that you verify your Email address before the first login (link should be sent to you automatically, check your Spam folder if needed), otherwise you can get a message: "No account found for *your_email_address*".
If you request password recovery ("FORGOT PASSWORD?"), it might help to change language to German briefly for the password recovery page to work.
This conference is concerned with all aspects of electromagnetic waves in plasmas, including but not limited to applications in magnetic fusion devices, RF plasma sources, and studies of basic plasma wave physics and technology
Conference topics:
- Plasma wave interactions, such as heating, current drive, diagnostics and plasma control
- Applications of RF and microwave power in fusion devices such as tokamaks, stellarators, spherical tori, reversed-field pinches and other confinement concepts
- Basic plasma wave physics
- RF and microwave applications to plasma sources for materials processing, space propulsion, ionospheric and space plasmas
Last updated: February, 20, 2025