May 19 – 22, 2025
Schloss Hohenkammer
Europe/Berlin timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Consolidated information about the conference can be found on the main conference website.

This INDICO website is currently used for abstract submission for (regular) poster contributions.

All abstracts should use the correct template available for download here (non-conforming abstracts will be rejected) and should be one page long.
You can submit an abstract as a DOCX or as a PDF file.

To submit an abstract via this INDICO page, one needs an Academic ID (Academic Cloud) account provided by GWDG IT services for Max Planck Society (MPG) and many other German educational and scientific institutions.

If you do not yet have an account, please sign up for it when following the link "Submit new abstract" (see picture below). It is only few clicks. After entering your email address, you will be asked about "Registration Options", where you can choose "More options" and then "Sign up with Email and password". Please make sure that you verify your Email address before the first login (link should be sent to you automatically, check your Spam folder if needed), otherwise you can get a message: "No account found for your_email_address".

If you request password recovery ("FORGOT PASSWORD?"), it might help to change language to German briefly for the password recovery page to work.

The account will be needed later for conference registration and paper submission.

enter image description here

The call for abstracts is closed.