17–20 Jun 2024
Hannover, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

A semi-coherent method for detecting continuous gravitational waves from binary inspirals of dark compact objects

19 Jun 2024, 10:45
Hannover, Germany

Hannover, Germany


Marc Andrés-Carcasona (IFAE)


Dark compact objects, like primordial black holes, can span a large range of masses depending on their time and mechanism of formation. In particular, they can have subsolar masses and form binary systems with an inspiral phase that can last for long periods of time. Additionally, these signals have a slow increase of frequency, and, therefore, are well suited to be searched with continuous gravitational waves methods. We present a new pipeline called COmpact Binary Inspiral (COBI), based on the Band Sampled Data (BSD) framework, which specifically targets these signals. We describe the method and show an example of its application in a subset of O3 data, discussing the distance reach of the search and its computing cost.

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