3–6 Feb 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone

Torkel Loman - Catalyst: Fast and flexible modelling of reaction networks

4 Feb 2025, 14:45
Large auditorium (MPI-CBG)

Large auditorium


Pfotenhauerstr. 108 01307 Dresden


Chemical reaction networks (CRNs) are a type of model commonly used in biology and chemistry. Their applications include the investigation of cellular system functions, designing drugs (pharmacology), forecasting epidemic progression (epidemiology), and optimisation of chemical synthesis pipelines. The Catalyst.jl modelling tool provides an interface for creating such CRN models in the Julia programming language (a recently developed programming language comparable to e.g. Matlab and Python). Next, it enables various forms of model analysis and simulation (e.g. deterministic/stochastic, nonspatial/spatial). Connections to packages in the wider Julia ecosystem also enable workflows such as bifurcation analysis and the finding of steady states through homotopy continuations. This talk will show how CRN models can be implemented and analysed in Julia, and how this can be applied to real-world problems across biology.

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