3–6 Feb 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone

Pierre Haas - Stories of ecological structures

4 Feb 2025, 09:45
Large auditorium (MPI-CBG)

Large auditorium


Pfotenhauerstr. 108 01307 Dresden


The dynamics of ecological communities are intrinsically linked to ecological structures such as the network of species interactions or the phenotypic substructure of different species. In this talk, I will give two examples of minimal models that elucidate the interplay of these structures and ecological dynamics. In both cases, I will highlight open questions that (new) (numerical) algebraic methods could answer.

In the first part of my talk, I will analyse the effect of the network of competitive, mutualistic, and predator-prey interactions on stability of coexistence [1]. I will show that the possibility of stable coexistence in ecologies with Lotka-Volterra dynamics is determined completely by "irreducible ecologies", and I will explain how exhaustive analysis of all such interaction networks of N<6 species suggests that, strikingly, these irreducible ecologies form an exponentially small subset of all ecologies, as do the mathematically curious "impossible ecologies" in which stable coexistence is non-trivially impossible.

In the second part of my talk, I will introduce a minimal model of spatial structure in the competition of two species. One of these species switches, both stochastically and in response to the other species, to a phenotype resilient to competition [2]. In particular, I will ask: How does this phenotypic switching affect travelling waves by which one species invades the other? Combining exact and numerical results, I will reveal that, very surprisingly, phenotypic switching does not change the speed of these travelling waves.

[1] Meng, Horvát, Modes, and Haas, arXiv:2309.16261
[2] Gupta and Haas, in preparation

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