3–6 Feb 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone

Andreas Münch - Continuum models of solutions and gels of charge regulating polyelectrolytes such as RNA and DNA and their phase behaviour under varying environmental conditions

3 Feb 2025, 16:15
Large auditorium (MPI-CBG)

Large auditorium


Pfotenhauerstr. 108 01307 Dresden


We develop continuum models for solutions of polyelectrolytes as a minimal system for biological molecules. We investigate their propensity to undergo phase separation by a combination of bifurcation analysis and time-dependent numerical solutions. In the case of polyelectrolyte gels, we describe the impact of salt concentration in the environment on the pattern forming behaviour under the effect of elasticity and on the structure of the electric double layer. We also explore the often neglected property of charge regulation on the phase behaviour of macro-ion solutions.

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