The Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior in Bonn
The international team of researchers at the MPINB studies how the collective activity of vast numbers of neurons gives rise to the plethora of animal behaviors. The interdisciplinary research spans from imaging neural circuits at the nanoscale to analyzing neural activity in a freely moving and naturally behaving animal. Understanding how animals perceive and interact with their world is a major technical challenge because you need to study animals and their brains “in action”. A key highlight of our research is the development of experimental approaches to link neuronal activity to naturalistic behavior in freely moving animals. Our technologies include high resolution quantification of naturalistic behavior, imaging tools for measuring neuronal population activity during goaldirected behavior and the reconstruction of synaptic connectivity using 3D electron microscopy. The MPINB works closely with the University of Bonn and other local research institutes to train the next generation of young scientists in the joint graduate school IMPRS for Brain & Behavior.

From the time scientific researchers in the area of Bad Godesberg (close to the MPINB) unearthed a dozen prehistoric hand axes from the year 55.000 B.C. to the birth of the world renowned composer Ludwig van Beethoven, Bonn has maintained constant development and its international flair is perceptible wherever you go. For over 40 years Bonn was the capital of West-Germany and to this day offers not only a fascinating history but plenty of cultural richness, beautiful architecture and appealing nature surroundings. Bonn has a variety of older as well as modern sights, including theatres, galleries with both old and new art being shown and plenty of museums. Amongst many things to do in Bonn, these are some of the most popular things to consider visiting: the German National Museum of Contemporary History, Freizeitpark Rheinaue, Beethoven House and the Botanic Garden.