"Unlock Your Sources": Hands-On Workshop Interactive Collation of Multiple Text Variants Using LERA

Online and Conference Room, 6th floor (mpilhlt at Turmcaree)

Online and Conference Room, 6th floor

mpilhlt at Turmcaree

Bleichstraße 59, 60313 Frankfurt am Main
Polina Solonets (Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie)

Are you working with multiple versions of a text? Wondering how to compare different textual witnesses and what insights this could reveal? Curious about how digital tools can help you take a fresh look at historical material?

Then join us for a hands-on workshop on LERA, an interactive tool designed for analyzing differences and similarities across multiple text versions.

     Learn directly from Marcus Pöckelmann (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg), LERA’s creator, about its features and how it can support historical text analysis.

     Hear from Manuela Bragagnolo (mpilhlt/ University of Trento), who is already using LERA in her research project HyperAzpilcueta, about real-world applications for comparing text witnesses across different languages.

     Get practical experience in the second part of the workshop—bring your own texts (.xml or .txt) or work with those provided and explore LERA’s capabilities firsthand!

The first part of the workshop includes a presentation of the tool, followed by a testimonial from the HyperAzpilcueta project, and will be held in a hybrid format. The hands-on session will take place on-site at mpilhlt.

Come unlock the secrets of your sources—see you there!

LERA Workshop
    • 11:00 12:30
      LERA Presentation 1h 30m Online and Conference Room, 6th floor

      Online and Conference Room, 6th floor

      mpilhlt at Turmcaree

      Bleichstraße 59, 60313 Frankfurt am Main

      In a hybrid mode

    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch Break 1h
    • 13:30 16:30
      Hands-on Session 3h Conference Room, 6th floor

      Conference Room, 6th floor

      mpilhlt at Turmcaree

      Bleichstraße 59, 60313 Frankfurt am Main

      On-site only