Career Center

CC-Workshop "Speed Reading in Science"

Zoom (online)




Improved Reading – Speed Reading Online

Scientific work involves a significant amount of reading. Reading is probably one of the most time-consuming activities in everyday scientific research. But most people only improved their reading skills once in their lifetime: at primary school. And maybe you also know the guilty conscience that you should actually read much more…


  • You will read significantly faster and with good (mostly better) comprehension. 
  • You will learn all the tips and tricks for dealing efficiently with English-language scientific papers.
  • You will master both synoptic overview reading and thorough detailed recording.
  • You will quickly familiarise yourself with different subject areas and link them together.
  • You will avoid constantly putting off reading tasks ("procrastinating").
  • You will read more often beyond what is strictly necessary, beyond your own research horizon.
  • You will read with higher concentration and motivation.
  • You will read more sustainably (techniques for marking, noting, processing, memorising).
  • You will also experience increased efficiency in academic writing & communication.


This "hybrid" training consists of 10 x 1h of individual online training (in which you are accompanied by a personal coach) and three group webinars (5h in sum). Compared to face-to-face courses it offers the following advantages:

  • Sustainable and practical integration of new reading techniques into everyday academic reading.
  • Course language for Speed Reading Online can be chosen individually (German or English).