4. Plasma-PEPSC face-to-face meeting

D2 building, project meeting room 2nd floor (MPCDF)

D2 building, project meeting room 2nd floor


Gießenbachstr. 2, 85748 Garching
Erwin Laure (MPCDF), Tilman Dannert (MPCDF)

Join us for the 4th Plasma-PEPSC face-to-face meeting!

Dear Plasma-PEPSC project members,

We are excited to invite you to the 4th Plasma-PEPSC face-to-face meeting, taking place from October 15th to 16th, 2024 at the Max Planck Computing & Data Facility (MPCDF), on the Science Campus in the North of Munich. Directions to the MPCDF

We look forward to an active participation and hope to welcome many of you to Garching. Some hotel suggestions are listed below.

Hotels directly on campus:


Hotels in Garching:


Your registration includes the optional participation in the dinner in Munich downtown on Tuesday evening (Oct. 15).

Best regards

Erwin Laure (MPCDF)



  • Tuesday 15 October
    • 09:15 09:30
      Welcome & organization: Reception Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


    • 09:30 09:45
      Welcome & organization Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


      Convener: Erwin Laure (MPCDF)
    • 09:45 10:15
      Introduction, Project Overview/Update and Grand Challenges Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


      Convener: Stefano Markidis
    • 10:15 10:30
      Coffee break 15m Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


    • 10:30 12:15
      Progress on BIT1 towards the Grand Challenge Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


      Convener: David Tskhakaya
    • 12:15 13:15
      Lunch break 1h IPP canteen

      IPP canteen

      Lunch will be offered at the canteen of the IPP, tables reserved ...

    • 13:15 15:00
      Progress on GENE/GENEX towards the Grand Challenge Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


      Convener: Tilman Dannert (MPCDF)
      • 13:15
        GPU Port of GENEX 15m
        Speaker: Jordy Trilaksono
      • 13:30
        Block-structured grids for GENEX 15m
        Speaker: Srikanth Sathyanarayana
      • 13:45
        Porting PARALLAX to AMD GPUs 15m
        Speaker: Mou Lin
      • 14:00
        Coupling GENEX and GENE with in-situ techniques 15m
        Speaker: Yi Ju
      • 14:15
        Improving CI with performance tests 10m
        Speaker: Valentin Seitz
      • 14:25
        Leveraging Data Compression and Mixed Precision for GENE 20m
        Speakers: Carl-Martin Pfeiler, Diego Jimenez
    • 15:00 15:30
      Coffee Break 30m Lobby, D2 building

      Lobby, D2 building


    • 15:30 17:15
      Progress on PIConGPU towards the Grand Challenge Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


      Convener: Michael Bussmann
    • 17:15 17:30
      Break 15m Lobby, D2 building

      Lobby, D2 building


    • 17:30 18:15
      Project Management Board Meeting (members only) Seminar room 1, 2nd floor D2 building

      Seminar room 1, 2nd floor D2 building


    • 19:00 21:30
      Dinner in Munich downtown
  • Wednesday 16 October
    • 09:30 11:15
      Progress on Vlasiator towards the Grand Challenge Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


      Convener: Urs Ganse
    • 11:15 11:45
      Coffee Break 30m Lobby, D2 building

      Lobby, D2 building


    • 11:45 12:15
      Development in the Co-Design and New Architectures (WP2): Co-Design and New Architectures Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


      Convener: Vassilis Papaefstathiou
    • 12:15 13:15
      Lunch break 1h canteen (IPP)



    • 13:15 14:00
      WP6 Dissemination, Community Building, Training & Exploitation Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


      Convener: David Tskhakaya
    • 14:00 14:15
      Coffee break 15m Lobby, D2 building

      Lobby, D2 building


    • 14:15 15:00
      WP7 Management Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


      Convener: Stefano Markidis
    • 15:00 15:15
      Coffee break 15m Lobby, D2 building

      Lobby, D2 building


    • 15:15 15:45
      Discussion on CI/CD progress for EuroHPC machines Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


    • 15:45 16:15
      Experiences on EuroHPC machines Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


    • 16:15 16:45
      Discussion in smaller groups (Milestones, Deliverables, ...) 30m Auditorium, D2 building

      Auditorium, D2 building


    • 16:45 17:00
      Closing of the meeting D2 building, project meeting room 2nd floor

      D2 building, project meeting room 2nd floor


      Gießenbachstr. 2, 85748 Garching