1–9 Aug 2024
IPP Garching, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Overview of current research activities in the Magnetized Plasma Research Lab (MPRL): a collaborative research facility at Auburn University

6 Aug 2024, 13:30
4h 50m
Poster IPELS-16 IPELS poster


Edward Thomas (Auburn University)


The Magnetized Plasma Research Laboratory (MPRL) at Auburn University explores fundamental plasma and complex/dusty plasma phenomena covering a large parameter regime from unmagnetized plasmas to strongly magnetized plasmas with a mission to serve as an open access, multi-user collaborative research facility. The centerpiece of the laboratory is the Magnetized Dusty Plasma Experiment (MDPX), a highly flexible plasma device with excellent diagnostic access to study the unique regime of high magnetic fields (up to 4 T), at relatively low density (~ $10^{14}$ – $10^{16}$ $m^{-3}$) and low electron ($T_e$ < 5 eV) and ion temperature ($T_i$ < 0.05 eV). Other instruments include ALEXIS, a linear plasma device for simulating space plasma and basic plasma experiments, and a wide variety of “tabletop” scale unmagnetized, low temperature plasma devices. Here, we will give an overview of recent studies from MPRL such as pattern formation of filamentary structures at high magnetic fields, nanoparticle growth in plasmas, laser trapping of dust particles, studies of dust clusters and dust thermodynamics, using dust as a diagnostic, controlling dust charging and dynamics by externally applied UV light, studies of dust acoustic waves at high magnetic field, development of new laser-based plasma diagnostics etc.

*This work is supported with funding from the NSF EPSCoR program and the U.S. Department of Energy – Office of Fusion Energy Sciences.

Primary author

Saikat Chakraborty Thakur (Auburn University)


Edward Thomas (Auburn University) Prof. Uwe Konopka (Auburn University) Prof. Evdokiya Kostadinova (Auburn University) Mr Cameron Royer (Auburn University) MPRL Team (Auburn University)

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